Friday, August 15, 2008


Coldplay Photos

More from Coldplay

A Rush of Blood to the Head


Live 2003

Customer Review: why why why the radiohead comparisons?
Seriously, stop already with the Radiohead comparisons. This sounds nothing like Radiohead, not Pablo Honey, not The Bends, not ANYTHING EVER by Radiohead. Just because Coldplay's singer tries to sing in a high register like Thom Yorke sings, doesn't necessarily mean the two bands sound alike. Coldplay, for instance, sucks big ones. Radiohead is sort of a brilliant band. There's one difference right there, just for starters. But whatever, you're not a loser or anything if you like this garbage. Lots of people like garbage even worse than this! So there, feel good knowing that you're not utterly, totally, hopelessly devoid of taste (maybe).
Customer Review: We Live in a Beautiful World
This is beautiful music. I distinctly recall direct comparisons to Radiohead at the time of this release, and I must say, I can draw virtually no comparisons between the two artists. Radiohead stinks. Radiohead is useless noise. Coldplay really delivers some beautiful, oftentimes powerful melodies throughout this disc. Sentimental moments abound here. Minimalism WORKS when it is executed correctly, and "Parachutes" is a testament to that. This album is extremely relaxing and even gives me the chills at times. Songs like "Don't Panic", "Shiver", "Sparks", and "Trouble" are tremendous achievements. Solid album through and through from a terrific band.

When you are trying to pick the right baby name it can be very time consuming looking through baby names' lists and weeding through all the names. You want a unique name for your baby girl but you don't want it to be bizarre or outrageous. For some couples the right name comes to them easily. Yet for others, especially those looking for a more original name, it can be overwhelming, after all there are thousands of names to choose from. Here is a list of some unique names for baby girls and their meanings. These names are creative but still pretty.

Unique Girls Names:

Audrey (English) means noble or strong. Famous people with this name include Audrey Hepburn or Audrey Wells. Other variations of the name Audrey include Audra, Audelia, Audene, Audessa., Audrielle and Audrina.<

Babette (French) means stranger or lovely. A variation of this name is Barbette. Nicknames that go with Babette include Babe, Baby, or Ettie.

Chloe (Greek) means blooming. Chloe Webb and Chloe Sevigny are two actresses with this name. Some other variations include Cloe, Kloe, Cloey, or Clorinda.

Flora (Latin) means flower. Saint Flora was martyred in 851.

Jacelyn (English) Other names include Jaceyln include Jocelyn, Joselyn, Jacinda or Jacey.

Leyna (German) means little angel. Other possible names include Lena, Leana, Leena, or Leila

Natalie (Latin) means birthday or child born on Christmas. Famous people with the name Natalie include Natelie Wood and Natelie Cole. Other spellings and variations of the name Natalie include Nataleigh, Natalina, Natalia and Natalya.

Ophelia (Greek) means useful or wise. Other variations of the name include Ofelia, Ophelya, or Felia.

Rhiannon (Welsh) means a mythical nymph. Rhianon was a popular Stevie Nicks' song. Other variations include Reannon, Rheanna, Rianne, Rianna, or Rhyan.

Sadie (Hebrew) means princess. Other variations of the name Sadie include Sadee, Saida, Sadiegh, or Sade.

Virginia (Latin) means chaste or maiden. Famous for the state named Virginia. Famous people with this name include Virginia Wolf and Virginia Dare. Nicknames and variations include Virginnia, Ginny, Ginger, or Ginni.

These are just a few unique baby names for girls. Picking a creative name for your baby may take some time. You may end up going back to some of the names that were popular generations ago but are not so popular now. Take some time to jot down your favorite names and hopefully before your baby arrives you will find just the right one for her.

Patty Hone is a mom of four children and the co-founder of For more unique baby name ideas visit Justmommies Baby Names database at

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